1 jun 2013

Part 1 Toad and Kangaroo

Saturday, June 1st, 2013 - ESO 3
Part 1 - The Toad and The Kangaroo by Shel Silverstein 

A Poem by Shel Silverstein

Said the Toad to the Kangaroo, 
"I can hop and so can you, 
So if we marry we'll have a child 
Who can jump a mountain or hop a mile 
And we can call it a Toadaroo"
Said the hopeful Toad to the Kangaroo. 

Said the Kangaroo, "My dear, 
What a perfectly lovely idea. 
I would most gladly marry you, 
But as for having a Toadaroo, 
I'd rather we call it a Kangaroad", 
Said the Kangaroo to the frowning Toad. 

That´s the beginning of the poem. Answer the following questions:

-          How does the Toad want to call her child with the Kangaroo? Why?

-          How does the Kangaroo want  to call his child with the Toad? Why?

-          What does it  tell you about the Toad and the Kangaroo?

-          Invent an ending for the poem. Remember to include rhyme and alliteration.

-          Think of a title for the poem.

Answer these questions once you have read the entire poem:

-          What characteristics have the Toad and the Kangaroo got in common?

-          What does the Toad suggest to the Kangaroo?

-          What do the Toad and the Kangaroo argue about?

-          What are the different options they suggest?

-          What do you think the poem teaches us?